The concept of corporate identity describes a multidimensional image work, especially audiovisual communication. The aim of this study is to convey the historical, cultural and geographical identities of the institutions, the aims and ideals of the institutions, their products and services, their sectoral positions with the least effort, in the shortest possible time and effectively.
Benefits of a Well Prepared Visual Identity
Strike your memories into your memories.
Your brand's features are transferred at visual speed. (dynamic, innovative, stable, strong, etc.)
It proves the quality of your products and services.
It conveys the natural and sectoral positions of products and services at first sight.
It allows you to leave your opponents at first sight.
Corporate Identity also needs to be renewed in some periods. Your firm should change its visual image as the most effective way to "be noticed" as the market develops and changes.
Logo is the foundation of your corporate identity. A good logo is the most rational and profitable investment for a company. "A company that provides quality service should be a quality logo." We are coincident with many success stories. The logo, a visual identity item that you can use everywhere, should carry the following characteristics:
* It must be unique.
* For example, the Puma brand has been imitated so much that the Tuna, Kuma, Puna, Suna and so on. While you have never heard of any of the brands, the Puma brand is still in the right place.
* The maximum amount of information should be given as soon as possible.
* Must be easily recognizable by all masses.
* Logonuz should be related to your company's services and products, such as color and shape.
* Your company's "soul" should reflect and embody.
* The application should be smooth on all surfaces and sizes.
* It should not cost extra when applied on different surfaces and media.
Visual Identity Practices and Corporate Identity Guidelines
You should make a permanent visual identity booklet at your institution, thinking that your logon may be needed in printed documents, on signs, on cars, on board, even if you do not need it now. Even if you are not working with the agency that makes up your visual identity, then your examples of your visual identity are in your hands. For example, if your franchisees need to apply your visual identity, you can prevent them from misrepresenting your visual identity by giving this booklet. You will not suffer from any unusual visual identity and different color tones or sizes.
It provides quality and fast printing service which enables you to get your corporate needs quickly and easily while serving with professionalism.
Corporate identity
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Return Card
Paper bag
Time sheet
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